SPIDER was presented at the “1st Open Annual Workshop on Future ICT” by Mrs. Konstantina Papachristopoulou, from project partner Eight Bells Ltd., which also was the event organiser and promoter.
The event took place physically in Athens, Greece, on May 25th 2022. A total of 50 physical attendees in addition to 5 presenters that connected virtually had the opportunity to explore State of the Art technologies, results and outcomes of cutting-edge research as realised through EU Research Projects, among other very interesting presentations.
The Workshop focused on exploring the State of the Art related to ICT, covering aspects such as 5G/6G, Cybersecurity, IoT and Cloud. Fruitful discussions took place between the participants, regarding current EU Funded research and future developments of State of the Art ICT, thus making an impact and setting the basis for research debate and constructive dialogue regarding ICT evolution.
The extended agenda included 4 sessions accordingly (5G/6G, Cybersecurity, IoT and Cloud) and gathered experts and researchers from all Future ICT disciplines. The “1st Open Annual Workshop on Future ICT” had a great effect in supporting international dialogue, cooperation and knowledge sharing.
More information can be found at https://www.8bellsresearch.com/workshop/.