Work Packages

SPIDER Pert diagram

WP1 – Project Management

WP1 provides the overall support for both management and administration of the entire project and for all partners-members of the SPIDER Consortium. The overall objective of this WP is the implementation of a sound project and financial management plan including, reporting to the EC, ensuring delivery of SPIDER results on time and within budget, and maintaining a high level of quality of the deliverables.

WP2 – Requirements Analysis, Architecture Definition & Pilot Use Cases

This work package identifies the scope of the other technical work packages, namely WP3, WP4 and WP5, by gathering and defining the system-level requirements, in line with SPIDER users’ needs and technical constraints as well as a set of the SPIDER pilot use cases of the applicability of the methodologies, technologies, and tools developed in the SPIDER project. Moreover, this WP will define the overall SPIDER system architecture as well as the technical specifications for the individual components, modules, and tools, will define KPis and a test strategy for the proper validation of the SPIDER methodologies and tolls and will evaluate the ethical, legal and privacy foundations and the societal impact relevant to SPIDER use cases

WP3 – Cyber Range Infrastructure and Supporting Technologies

WP3 will provide the core platform support and the basic virtualisation functionalities to the SPIDER Cyber Range as a Service. Existing network management and orchestration techniques will be specialized and extended to support the cyber range specificities, especially taking into account the size of the topologies involved in the simulation and the need to enable simultaneous access and interaction to the same replicated network elements to several actors.

WP4 – 5G Cyber Security Training

The key objectives for this WP are to develop training solutions and assessment that can increase cyber security skills and awareness across different target groups while gathering evidence for the effect and impact of such an approach to advance the field. WP4 has the specific goals of 1) developing a knowledge base of threats to be made available as part of training material.2) developing individual and team-based cyber exercises closely resembling real world.3)developing a serious games training solution for cybersecurity experts simulating a variety of realistic scenarios providing increased engagement, transfer and retention.4)developing a gamification solution to engage professionals for awareness of 5G cybersecurity in daily work 5) developing human-in-the-loop performance assessment to provide input to training and capability focus. 6)developing a Configurable Virtualised Security Operations Center (CV-SOC) to present real-time cybersecurity events so they are available in the training solutions.

WP5 – Economics of 5G Security

The key objective of this WP is to develop a decision-making framework based on novel risk analysis models supporting continuous assessment of cyber-risks as well as on econometric and capital budgeting techniques that will help organisations assess and forecast the evolution of cyber-attacks and their associated economic impact as well as help them promote investments that ensure a more cyber secure environment.

WP6 – SPIDER Cyber Range Integration and Testing

The key objective of this WP is to deploy, validate and demonstrate an integrated version of the SPIDER platform. Therefore, within this work package, a disciplined plan for the deployment and integration of the SPIDER system will be prepared, in-line with the system design and architecture of WP2.

WP7  – Demonstration and Evaluation

The key objective of this WP is to evaluate the SPIDER platform based on four different PUCs that will examine various aspects of the implemented system both feature-wise including 5G security assessment, training, investment decision support as well as performance-wise such as flexibility and scalability.

WP8 – Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation of Results

WP8 will focus on the development and execution of viable plans (that will be reviewed and updated regularly) for the SPIDER communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. WP8 envisages achieving high measurable impact of the project results and to ultimately lead to a successful adoption of the SPIDER disruptive cyber range capabilities and innovative features into the 5G evolution ecosystem. Towards this direction, the business perspectives of the proposed solution will also be investigated.


No. Title Download
Project website
Project handbook with strategic plan for quality assurance and risk management
Report on awareness and wider societal implications
SPIDER ethical, privacy and legal requirements – initial version
SPIDER ethical, privacy and legal requirements – final version
Asset pricing and impact loss analysis: an empirical framework
An empirical decision-support framework for econometric analysis of cyber risk and investment
Plans for dissemination, communication, standardisation and exploitation
Initial report on dissemination, communication, standardisation and exploitation
Interim report on dissemination, communication, standardisation and exploitation
Final report on dissemination, communication, standardisation and exploitation
Report on connections with stakeholders and European CERTs/CSIRTs – initial version
Report on connections with stakeholders and European CERTs/CSIRTs – final version

Research Papers

Authors Title Publication Details Publication Date Download
Ángel González-Prieto, Alberto Mozo (UPM) , Sandra Gómez-Canaval (UPM) and Edgar Talavera (UPM)
Improving the quality of generative models through Smirnov transformation
Information Sciences (2022)
July 16, 2022
Mozo, A.; Karamchandani, A.; Gómez-Canaval, S.; Sanz, M.; Moreno, J.I.; Pastor, A.
B5GEMINI: AI-Driven Network Digital Twin.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4106 (Q2 Journal).
May 28, 2022
R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, C. Lombardo and J. F. Pajo
Multi-site Resource Allocation in a QoS-Aware 5G Infrastructure
in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
February 15, 2022
A. Mozo, Á. González-Prieto, A. Pastor, S.Gómez-Canaval, E.Talavera
"Synthetic flow-based cryptomining attack generation through Generative Adversarial Networks"
Scientific Reports (Q1 journal)
February 08, 2022
F. Rebecchi, A. Pastor, A. Mozo, C. Lombardo, R. Bruschi, l. Aliferis, R. Doriguzzi-Corin, P. Gouvas, Antonio A. Romero, A. Angelogianni, I. Politis, & C. Xenakis
A Digital Twin for the 5G Era: the SPIDER Cyber Range
submitted to Twinnets 22
A. Angelogianni, I. Politis, P. L. Polvanesi, A. Pastor and C. Xenakis
Unveiling the user requirements of a cyber range for 5G security testing and trainin
2021 IEEE 26th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2021
December 6, 2021
J. F. Pajo, G. Kousiouris, D. Kyriazis, R. Bruschi and F. Davoli
Evaluating Urban Network Activity Hotspots through Granular Cluster Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data
17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2021
December 2, 2021
Stanislav Vakaruk (UPM), Alberto Mozo (UPM), Antonio Pastor (TID), Diego R. Lopez (TID)
"A Digital Twin Network for Security Training in 5G Industrial Environments"
2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI)
September 22, 2021
M. Tsiodra, M. Chronopoulos, M. Ghering, E. Karapistoli, N. Gerosavva, and N. Kylilis
“The SPIDER Cyber Security Investment Component (CIC)”
2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber security and Resilience
September 6, 2021
Stanislav Vakaruk ,Alberto Mozo , Antonio Pastor
“SPIDER: ML Applied to 5G Network Cyber Range”
“European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC 2021), Virtual event, 8-11 June 2021”
June 8, 2021
J. F. Pajo, G. Kousiouris, D. Kyriazis, R. Bruschi and F. Davoli
ANNs Going Beyond Time Series Forecasting: An Urban Network Perspective
in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 88-94
June 3, 2021
Christoforos Ntantogian, Panagiotis Bountakas, Dimitris Antonaropoulos, Constantinos Patsakis, Christos Xenakis
“NodeXP: NOde.js server-side JavaScript injection vulnerability DEtection and eXPloitation”
Journal of Information Security and Applications November 11, 2020
May 1, 2021
Christos Lyvas, Christoforos Ntantogian, Christos Xenakis, "International Journal of Information Security, Springer"
“[m]allotROPism: A Metamorphic Engine for Malicious Software Variation Development” International Journal of Information Security, Springer
"International Journal of Information Security, Springer" -IJIS journal.
March 03, 2021
Ángel González-Prieto, Alberto Mozo, Edgar Talavera Sandra Gómez-Canaval
“Dynamics of Fourier Modes in Torus Generative Adversarial Networks"
Special Issue Bioinspired Computation: Recent Advances in Theory and Applications
February 02, 2021
Neofytos Gerosavva; Manos Athanatos; Christoforos Ntantogian; Christos Xenakis; Cristina Costa; Alberto Mozo; Matthias Ghering; Angela Brignone
“A cyberSecurity Platform for vIrtualiseD 5G cybEr Range services (SPIDER)”
The Fourteenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2020)
January 27, 2021
Eva Papadogiannaki and Sotiris Ioannidis
Acceleration of Intrusion Detection in Encrypted Network Traffic Using Heterogeneous Hardware
Sensors 2021, 21(4), 1140
January 26, 2021
Anna Angelogianni; Ilias Politis; Farnaz Mohammadi; Christos Xenakis
On identifying threats and quantifying cybersecurity risks of MNOs deploying heterogeneous RATs
IEEE-Access journal
December 16, 2020
Roberto Bruschi; Franco Davoli; Guerino Lamanna; Chiara Lombardo; Sergio Mangialardi; Jane Frances Pajo
Enabling Edge Computing Deployment in 4G and Beyond
IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2020)
November 28, 2020
Roberto Bruschi DITEN, University of Genoa, Italy ; Franco Davoli; Fernando Díáz Bravo; Chiara Lombardo; Sergio Mangialardi; Jane Frances Pajo
Validation of IaaS-based Technologies for 5G-Ready Applications Deployment
November 28, 2020
Raffaele Bolla; Roberto Bruschi; Franco Davoli; Chiara Lombardo; Jane Frances Pajo
Debunking the "Green" NFV Myth: An Assessment of the Virtualization Sustainability in Radio Access Networks
IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2020)
November 28, 2020
Cristina Emilia Costa; Marco Centenaro; Roberto Riggio
LoMM: a Monitoring and Management Platform for LoRaWAN Experimentation
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2020)
September 16, 2020
Christos Xenakis; Anna Angelogianni; Eleni Veroni; Eirini Karapistoli; Matthias Ghering; Neofytos Gerosavva; Vasilieios Machamint; Pierluigi Polvanesi; Angela Brignone; Jeronimo Nunez Mendoza; Antonio Pastor
The SPIDER concept: A Cyber Range as a Service platform
September 15, 2020
Antonio Pastor , Alberto Mozo , Stanislav Vakaruk , Daniele Canavese , Diego R. López 1, Leonardo Regano , Sandra Gómez-Canaval , And Antonio Lioy ,
Detection of encrypted cryptomining malware connections with machine and deep learning
 IEEE-Access journal
August 26, 2020

White Papers

Title Download
SPIDER 5G Cyber Range as a Service - 2nd White Paper stemming from the work performed in SPIDER Project!
An insight on the SPIDER WP2 activities during the first half of the project - Pilot use case scenarios and architecture of the SPIDER project


Title Download
HRB Concordia Policy Brief Report
Flyer of CONCORDIA Project Group