You are currently viewing SPIDER White Paper #2

SPIDER White Paper #2

We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2nd White Paper stemming from the work performed in SPIDER Project!

SPIDER offers a multi-modal educational platform targeting the specificities of security training for modern virtualized/5G networks. Its functionality is wrapped in four distinct modalities, namely:

– Modality 1: Theoretical Training

– Modality 2: Emulation Training

– Modality 3: Simulation Training

– Modality 4: Security Awareness Training.

The goal of SPIDER is to define and develop a novel 5G cyber range platform which virtualises and unifies the 5G network while offering security testing and training capabilities. The SPIDER platform is also capable of performing risk analysis on the 5G infrastructure and proposing cyber security investment recommendations. To support this vision, SPIDER encompasses state-of-the-art technologies such as Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for attack emulation, game-based learning environment for the cyber security trainings as well as the latest econometric models.

During the second period of the SPIDER project lifecycle and towards the completion of defined milestones and objectives, the consortium partners worked intensively in designing, developing, deploying and validating SPIDER’s 5G Cyber Range integral components.

The purpose of this White Paper is to provide an overview of the technical aspects of our cyber arena, based on the work performed and completed within the second half of the project.

You may read it online or download it by clicking on the image, or by visiting our dedicated section for publications at